Stanley came to the shelter after frequenting a local brewery, pretty convinced he should be their new mascot. Unfortunately, Stanley’s image didn’t quite align with the brewery’s health and safety policy so he joined us at the shelter to find a flock of his own.
Stanley is a very large, robust bird who is generally quiet easy to handle and likely had a family prior to getting lost. Stanley enjoys feasting on his food and perching on his rope perches.
Pigeons are smart, easy going birds that quickly learn household routines. They do fine in homes with other pets and can live peacefully and unafraid with dogs and cats as long as they are kept safe. Pigeons are very emotional creatures and do need a friend, whether another bird or a human with whom they can spend the day.
Pigeons could be housed in large aviaries outdoors, with protection from predators and the elements but they can also be housed indoors in a comfortable caged enclosure overnight with access to fly around the home during the day.