Up to half of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions are under the direct control or influence of municipal governments, like Delta. We can make a difference.
How is Delta taking action on climate change?
Delta is working to reduce corporate emissions, support residents and business to reduce emissions and prepare our community for the impacts of a changing climate. We are getting there by making practical decisions and creating clear action plans. We've outlined a few climate actions that have been taken by the City of Delta below.
The following Notice of Motion introduced by Mayor George V. Harvie was unanimously adopted by Delta Council at the October 28, 2019 Regular Meeting:
WHEREAS an October 8, 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finds that it is necessary to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, rather than 2 degrees as previously understood, and that doing so “would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society,”
AND WHEREAS Delta has completed a number of actions towards reducing its contribution to Climate Change as set out in Delta’s Corporate Climate Change Initiative and Community Energy and Emissions Plan however, a greater sense of urgency and level of commitment to take additional measures is required;
AND WHEREAS Delta’s youth along with youth from around the world, are demanding meaningful, equitable and deliberate action on the climate which has been brought to the forefront through recent Climate Strikes and the poignant works of Greta Thunberg at the United Nations Climate Summit;
- Staff be directed to provide for Council’s consideration a report that includes a review of the following:
- Actions the City is presently taking to reduce GHG emissions (corporate and community);
- The process for updating the City’s community GHG reduction targets within the Official Community Plan to be consistent with IPCC targets, meaning a 45% reduction by 2030 and zero net emissions by 2050;
- Funding requirements to update Delta’s Community Energy and Emissions Plan to identify additional actions Delta can take towards supporting GHG reductions at the community level;
- A strategy to engage the community in dialogue and action on the Community Energy and Emission Plan that will result in a drastic reduction of community-wide emissions;
- Plans to support active transportation and transit in Delta, including the continuation of work with the Province and TransLink on developing a “green corridor” along Highway 99 in connection with the George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project;
- The importance of enhancing Delta’s biodiversity, including Burns Bog restoration and urban reforestation;
- Options for funding mitigation and adaptation projects that recognize the urgency of climate change; and
- Other ideas and input from the Mayor’s Youth Council related to climate change initiatives.
- Staff be directed to provide for Council’s consideration a report that includes a review of the following:
Delta has reached its goal to reduce its corporate emissions by 20% of 2007 levels by 2015. Going forward we are working toward remaining carbon neutral, increasing the use of renewable energy and updating our Climate Change Initiative. We will be looking at corporate actions, community actions and how we can adapt to climate change impacts.
Delta’s Electric Vehicle Strategy was finalized in 2020. Read more about the strategy here.
Climate Change Initiative
Developed in 2007, Delta's corporate Climate Change Initiative outlines actions to reduce our carbon footprint. The initiative has two main goals:
- To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from municipal buildings, fleet vehicles and operations
- To adapt municipal infrastructure and emergency plans to ensure our community is well prepared for and protected against climate change impacts
Delta is a member of the national Partners for Climate Protection program and a signatory of the BC Climate Action Charter.
Local Government Climate Action Program
In May 2022, the Province announced a new Local Government Climate Action Program. The program provides Local Governments and Modern Treaty Nations with funding to support the implementation of local climate action that reduces emissions and prepares communities for the impacts of changing climate.
Under this program, Delta receives annual funding to support Climate Action initiatives. More about the program can be found on the Local Government Climate Action Program website.
To learn more about climate action initiates in Delta see the annual Climate Action reports to Council.
2023 Climate Action Report, Local Government Program Survey
Community Energy and Emissions Plan
Delta has developed an updated Community Energy and Emissions Plan.
ImageThe Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) creates an inventory of the greenhouse gas emissions in Delta and develops a set of actions and strategies to reduce the emissions to reach our greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Actions in the CEEP were developed in consultation with input from residents and reflect the priorities of the community. See Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report (completed 2022) and Phase 2 Engagement Summary Report (completed 2023).
The key action areas focus on “where we live – buildings” and “how we move – transportation”. Buildings and transportation are the main sources of community greenhouse gas emissions in Delta. Other actions in the CEEP fall into the categories of waste and green space and ecosystems.
The updated Community Energy and Emissions Plan was endorsed by Council on May 6, 2024.
CleanBC Plan
British Columbia is a leader in taking action to protect and preserve our environment. The Province has developed two climate related strategies:
1) CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 which builds on the original 2018 CleanBC plan and includes stronger measures to lower climate-changing emissions by 40% by 2030 across eight pathways:
- Low Carbon Energy
- Transportation
- Buildings
- Communities
- Industry, including Oil and Gas
- Forest Bioeconomy
- Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Negative Emissions Technologies
2) The Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy which recognizes climate-driven changes are already having impacts on our communities, economy, infrastructure and ecosystems. The strategy strengthens our capacity to anticipate, reduce and manage climate risks. Actions are grouped into four key pathways:
- Foundations for success
- Safe and healthy communities
- Resilient species and ecosystems
- Climate-ready economy and infrastructure
While we may do our best to reduce emissions it will not be enough to avoid or stop climatic changes. We must also plan to increase our resilience to climate change impacts in order to adapt.
Community Planning
Delta is a member of Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), a global leader in sustainability and the largest international association of local, regional and national government organizations in the world. Delta was one of three cities in Canada chosen by ICLEI Canada to participate in a pilot adaptation planning tool kit study for communities. Over the next several years, we will work with ICLEI Canada to address corporate and community adaptation issues in Delta.
Flood Risk Management
More than 60 kilometers of dikes protect valuable low-lying communities and farmland located in South Delta. Extensive research, planning and effort are executed annually to gather the most up-to-date information, and to design and build robust flood control structures. Delta's engineers, planners, and environmental staff are at the forefront of dike design and floodplain development planning.
Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration
Biodiversity and climate change are interconnected. The natural world plays a critical role in climate regulation, mitigation, and adaptation. Enhancing green spaces in urban areas helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration but also helps increase a community's resilience to extreme heat and rainfall events.
Delta funds the annual delivery of 10 Cool lt! Workshops on climate change, by the BC Sustainable Energy Association, to grade 5 classrooms. Previously the workshops were known as the Climate Change Showdown.
In 2021, Council endorsed a proposal by Empower Me to deliver energy conservation and efficiency program workshops for Delta’s diverse community targeted at residents who are newcomers to Canada with languages other than English as their first language. To sign up for a workshop with Empower Me, email info@empowerme.ca.