Office of the City Manager

Who We Are

The Office of the City Manager is appointed by and responsible to Mayor and Council for the efficient management of the City workforce and ensuring that Council directions and policies are carried out. All of Delta’s departments as well as the areas of Corporate Communications and Legal Services report directly to the Office of the City Manager.

What We Do

The Office of the City Manager is responsible for the daily administration of the City and in this capacity, ensures the delivery of high quality services in a timely, responsible and cost effective manner. The City Manager provides leadership and sets the overall strategic direction for short and long-term corporate goals and initiatives. When the City’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is activated, the City Manager is the EOC Director, responsible for making primary decisions and managing the City’s emergency response.

Corporate Communications keeps the public informed of City news and announcements via the City website and social media channels. This team also provides support and advice to other departments on communications planning, public engagement, issues management, media relations, and graphics services.

Donny van Dyk, City Manager