Message Board Request

Delta not-for-profit community sports, recreation, culture, community service organizations may submit a message on the City of Delta’s electronic message boards.

Fill out the form below to send us a request. 

Messages for private or commercial purposes are not eligible for display. Notification will not be provided for message board requests that do not fit policy criteria.

Request submission deadline is end of day Friday to be posted the following Thursday. In order for your event to be up for the following week, it will need to be submitted 2 weeks in advance.  Message boards (also known as Reader Boards) are updated each week on Thursday.

Message Details

It's most effective to keep your message simple and brief. Please note that requests from Delta-based organization receive priority.
You may request up to a maximum of 7 days; 1 request per month per organization.
Which message board would you like to see your message posted on?
Only JPG file type is accepted.
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg.
Requestor's Information

The City of Delta reserves the right to edit content. Messages will be scheduled and posted in accordance with Delta's Electronic Message Board Policy.