Water Conservation
Water is essential to our daily lives. We use it to cook, clean, nourish our bodies, and keep our gardens green and growing. However, it is important to use water appropriately and efficiently.
Delta's Water Conservation Initiatives
The City of Delta has a number of water conservation initiatives available for residents to take part in.
Water Metering Program
The City of Delta is installing water meters for the following:
- All existing and new industrial, commercial, agricultural, and institutional properties;
- All new developments, including Single-Family and Multi-Family Dwellings;
- All legal secondary suites properties;
- Anyone installing a new service from the City water main to the property line; and,
- Any properties undertaking major renovations.

Voluntary Water Metering Program – Single-Family Dwellings
Delta's Voluntary Water Metering Program is designed to enhance the quality of life in our community and prepare for future growth. Metering is an equitable method to charge for water that is based on a user-pay system. In that respect, it is consistent with other utility commodities such as natural gas and electricity–you only pay for the amount of water you use. Water metering helps you understand how much water your family consumes, and may even help change your daily habits.
FAQs: Voluntary Water Meter Program
Lawn Watering Regulations
Lawn watering regulations are not in effect.
Regulations are usually in effect from May 1 - October 15.
For more details visit Metro Vancouver Lawn Watering Regulations.