Delta aims to increase the availability of information managed by the City by providing data in common, machine readable formats. Whether you are an entrepreneur, academic or a member of the community, we encourage you to use this data.
Delta's Open Data is anonymized (not personally identifiable), free, and available to everyone in one or more accessible formats.
All Open Data provided by Delta is subject to the Open Government License - Delta and you agree to abide by this license in accessing any data sets.
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Delta's Open Data Catalogue
Disclaimer for Spatial Data Sets:
Integrated Survey Area No: 13
Horizontal Datum: NAD83 (CSRS) 4.0 O.BC 1 MVRD
UTM83-10 GRID (Zone: 10)
Vertical Datum: All Elevations are in CVD28GVRD2018
This data is automatically updated on a weekly basis. Email to make recommendations on additional open data sets.