Regulations within the Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw, and Sign Bylaw may be varied through issuance of a Development Variance Permit or in some cases, approval by the Board of Variance.
Variances cannot be considered for:
- permitted use of land or buildings;
- allowable density; or
- minimum floodplain specifications.
While Development Variance Permit requests require Council's consideration, in certain cases, variances may be considered by Delta's Board of Variance. See the How to Apply page for application requirements and submission instructions.
Development Variance Permits (DVP)
DVPs are subject to Council approval and generally considered where the site characteristics or other unique circumstances do not permit strict compliance with an existing regulation. The following Development Variance Permit Application Guide is meant for general guidance only. The process may change dependent on each individual application.
Apply for a Development Variance Permit
Board of Variance Appeal
A person may apply to have their request considered by the Board of Variance. The Board of Variance consists of five members, appointed by Council in a voluntary capacity, who may consider appeals against the provisions of the Delta Zoning Bylaw in circumstances of hardship, typically in connection with the siting of buildings or additions in relation to the boundaries of the subject property.