
The next general local election for Delta Council and the Delta Board of Education will be held on Saturday, October 17, 2026.

Past Elections

Election Document Access Statement

Prior to and including 2011, public access to election documents and information available on the City of Delta's website is subject to the rules and regulations specified under section 73 and 93 of the Local Government Act.

Starting with the 2014 general local election, Campaign Financing Disclosure Statements may be viewed online. If you have questions regarding campaigns or advertisements contact Elections BC at 1-855-952-0280.

Election Sign Information

As defined within the City of Delta Sign Bylaw No. 5860, Political Sign means a temporary sign designed or intended to be displayed in connection with Federal, Provincial, Local Government or School District No. 37 (Delta) elections, by-elections; government referendum or plebiscites. For more information regarding political sign placement, please view section 7.8 Political Sign of the following excerpt from the Delta Sign Bylaw No. 5860, as amended.

7.8 Political Sign

(a) A person must not place, or permit to be placed, a political sign on:

i) a highway or right of way; 
ii) a boulevard, centre median, island or sidewalk; 
iii) any roadway structure or traffic control device; 
iv) a tree, bush, planter, waste or recycling receptacle, newspaper box, mailbox, signpost, bridge or overpass structure; 
v) any other public property including land, buildings, structures, parks, gardens or equipment; or
vi) overhanging public property.

(b) Election or political signs may be placed on private property in all zones, including single family, two family, multi-family, institutional, commercial and industrial provided that:

i) signs have the consent of the property owner, occupant, or strata corporation in the case of a parcel containing strata lots (for common property), prior to placement.

(c) Election or political signs for a campaign office are subject to the sign regulations for signs allowed by permit. 
(d) Election or political signs must adhere to the following requirements and restrictions:

i) comply with provisions of the Local Government Act, Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, Motor Vehicle Act, Transportation Act, and any other applicable Provincial or Federal Statutes, orders or regulations thereto; 
ii) pertain to an election or referendum being conducted within the municipal boundaries of the City of Delta; 
iii) are non-illuminated, do not exceed two sign faces, 3 m2 sign area on each sign face, 3.0 m in height and are no closer than 0.3 m in any direction to any other sign; 
iv) must not use the City of Delta or the School District No. 37 logos, heraldic emblems or similar corporate identifiers for the purpose of any candidate’s campaign activities; 
v) must not be placed within 5 metres of a fire hydrant; vi) are displayed no more than 30 days before the date of and 7 days after the conclusion of an election or referendum.