Homes and development


Delta's Zoning Bylaw contains regulations related to the use and development of land, including allowable density; parameters for the siting, size and height of buildings; and other specific requirements such as adaptable dwelling units, electric vehicle parking and common amenity spaces. All properties in Delta have a zoning designation that outlines the regulations for that zone. If a proposal involves changing the permitted uses or exceeding the maximum density for a development site, a rezoning application is required.

Any zoning bylaw adopted by Council must be consistent with Delta's Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Metro Vancouver's Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), or further plan amendments may be required.

Cannabis Dispensary Applications Update

The City of Delta is currently not accepting new rezoning applications for cannabis dispensaries. On September 27, 2021, Delta Municipal Council resolved the following regarding new cannabis dispensary applications: "That, given Delta has six rezoning applications in process for cannabis dispensaries, staff be directed to not accept any new cannabis dispensary applications until further notice."