Hunting season in the City of Delta is open as of September 7, 2024, and ends on March 10, 2025.
Provincial and federal regulations allow hunting one half hour before sunrise until one half hour after sunset. Hunters must have several federal Migratory Birds Convention Act and BC Wildlife Act permits and licences, which require mandatory training, qualifications, and insurance coverage. For hunting on private lands, hunters must first have landowners’ permission.
Boundary Bay Restrictions
In Boundary Bay, hunting is restricted. Please note the restrictions in place based on the City of Delta's Discharge of Firearms Regulation Bylaw:
- No firearms discharge is permitted anywhere shown as “Discharge of Firearms Prohibited” by either Delta or other agencies, as shown in Schedule A of the Bylaw.
- In areas shown as “Hunting Allowed” in Schedule A of the Bylaw, there is to be no discharge of a firearm within 150 yards of a school building, school yard, public park, playground, church, workshop, place of business, dwelling house, farm building, public highway or any other place of assembly or work.
- While on a dike and foreshore adjacent to a dike, except a private dike and adjacent foreshore on Westham Island:
- Discharge of a firearm is permitted from the dike for the purposes of hunting during the official open season for the targeted species.
- Any firearm discharge from the dike, and within 180m of the toe of the dike on the seaward side, must not be towards land or within 150 yards of a school building, school yard, public park, playground, church, workshop, place of business, dwelling house, farm building, public highway or any other place of assembly or work.
- The 180m prohibition from discharging towards land extends the entire length of the Boundary Bay dike that is otherwise open for hunting (i.e. 64 Street east to the Surrey border), and the entirety of the Brunswick Point Dike to Deltaport Way.
- Hunters may legally hunt on Sundays if they are beyond the dike toe and within portions of the Roberts Bank Wildlife Management Area or the Boundary Bay Wildlife Management Area that are not otherwise closed as shown on Schedule A of the Bylaw.
For an aerial view of permitted hunting areas, please visit Deltamap.

If you witness someone violating hunting rules in Boundary Bay or elswhere in Delta, please contact Delta Police Department at 604-946-4411. If it is an emergency, call 911.
BC Wildlife Act and Migratory Birds Convention Act violations can be reported 24/7 to the RAPP Line, call 1-877-952-7277.